Pet Supplements
Note: We have discontinued the 50ml bottles and some products
Droppers extra |
Please note due to bottles leaking in transit due to a new line of droppers these need to be bought separately. They cost 80c extra
DisclaimerWhile every effort is made to ensure the quality of our product, no statement or information contained on this page is to be construed as a claim that this product is a cure, mitigation, treatment or prevention of disease or any other medical condition. This information is to be regarded as a product guide only. Hira Laboratories will not be held responsible for the use or misuse of any products listed. We recommend that either a qualified herbalist or your medical professional carry out diagnosis and subsequent treatment. |
Hira Ashwagandha
Withania somnifera. True rejuvenating herb. Particularly suitable for older pets with age related degenerative conditions and during times of physiological stress. An adaptogenic herb which can regulate important physiological processes ie damp down an over-active immune response and stimulate an under-active immune system. Sitoindosides found in the plant enhance pathogenic-destroying phagocytes. Ashwagandaholine has calming and anti-spasmodic properties.
Hira Saw Palmetto
Serenoa repens (Saw Palmetto) is nature’s kidney herb and suitable for maintaining kidney health in older dogs and cats. May help with incontinence and light bladder leakage.
No Longer in stock Dose 1-2 drops per kg Prices:
Feed Back: “My old terrier has been diagnosed with mild kidney disease. Along with a few drops of Saw palmetto daily along with a few dietary changes we have noticed quite a change in his general well being and frequency of urination” |
Hira Chamomile Calm
From organically grown Matricaria recutita flowers Mildly calming particularly suitable for pets that don’t travel well. Mildly soothing and maybe given daily for minor skin conditions.
Dose 1-2 drops per kg Prices:
Devil’s Claw
Harpogophytum procumbens. may be used as a mild plant based analgesic Helps lower blood pressure.Bitter principles act to stimulate liver, gall bladder and lower blood sugar. Devil’s Claw stimulates uterine muscles and should not be given to pregnant animals. Look at our plant profile page to learn more about this wonderful plant. Ideal for the older dog
Dose 1-2 drops per kg Prices:
Comments: Question: I have a 16yr old Shih Tzu who is a little stiff these days. She broke a smal bone in a back leg several years ago while trying to jump onto sofa, then two years ago a family member tripped over her which wrenched her shoulder and surrounding tissue. She is limpy in that shoulder and stiff in her hindquarters. I have your devils claw for horses and was wondering if I could give her that for some relief and how much. I gave her a drop one day for a try and did see an improvement for a day or two. I would like to continue with that but dont know how much for a 6kg dog? Answer: I would give her 12dropsfor a week then 6 drops there after. I would also give her some omega oils which has vitamin C in it. Vitamin C will help restore the surrounding cartilage and will act as a mild anti-inflammatory. 2013–02-19 I am thrilled with what I bought and am also giving it to our older dog and she is much freeer in the shoulders. I also gave it to my mum’s dog when she stayed recently. I take the dogs for a 3km walk every morning and thought mum’s dog would only manage a couple of walks before her chronic limp set in but she was fine all week and galloped around like a puppy with our young dog!have a good week. Ann |
Hira Gingko
Herbal blood conditioner. Suitable for pets with bronchial and minor skin conditions. Ideal vitality herb for the older pet needing a boost and those with balance issues due to inner ear problems. A vet compared it to a drug they use for older dogs called Vivitonin
Dose 1-2 drops per kg Prices:
Feed Back: Pug with breathing problems now taking Gingko Just wanted to record a huge thank you and endorsement for Everdien’s natural remedys! Our oldest puggy (14) is on two of Hira Labs products and she is bright eyed and bouncing around after just 10 days or so on the products. She has a stiff back end and is very prone to bronchitis. Now, she has much easier movement, even climbing stairs again, and her lungs are so much better she can even yodel |
Hira Pet-Ech Echinacea purpurea
Stimulates the immune system. Increases the body’s ability to fight infection. Increases white and red cell production. Ideal for times when your pet is going to kennels. Add drops to your pet’s drinking water.
Dose 1-2 drops per kg Prices:
Hira Happy Hound and Cat
Hypericum perforatum. Natures comfort herb. St John’s Wort increases levels of seratonin which is responsible for feelings of contentment. Suitable for treating compulsive repetitive disorders ie cats that urinate indoors. May help with behaviour modification and during times of stress.
Dose 1-2 drops per kg Prices :
Feed Back: 2012-09-05 Cat that is a territorial sprayer The Happy pet stuff is working too, only 2 wees inside since they’ve been taking it, one when they were accidentally locked inside and one on the new catnip mouse I bought them, it has that affect on one of them. Overall a great improvement. The Territorial Tabby My 5year old 7kg tabby cat Ghen has been on your St Johns wort for the last two years to help with territory aggression and it has worked wonders.Ghen’s brother Spartacus and all other cats and a few dogs in the street thanks you for your product. |
Hira Calm Hound and Cat Valerian officinalis extract
Fast acting short term herbal calmer assists in relaxing muscles. Contains Valeriana officinalis. Feed drops to pet 1 hour before travelling or when anxious. Ideal for Guy Fawkes
Dose 1-2 drops per kg Prices :
Feedback: 2011-10-27 face book
Hira Joint Blend Plus with Devil’s Claw
Consists of a range of herbs ie devil’s claw, ginkgo, and ashwagandha and natural plant based dietary supplements that will provide natural building blocks for normal joint health, formulated by our chemist to improve mobility. ideal for the older pets experiencing stiffness after a period of inactivity. The effect of this supplement is enhanced by also administering Omega oil complex and Ashwagandha
Prices :
Feed Back: Elderly Dog regains youthful vigour and mobility Hi there Everdien
I have been using Joint Blend Plus for approximately 6 months now and I’m astounded at how it has totally changed the life of my elderly 12 yr old Cairns Terrier. I was sadly thinking I would have to get her put down as she was unable to get up and down 2 steps and pretty much didn’t want to leave her bed, she started wetting inside and was very depressed. After using your product it was a miracle she has brightened up into a different dog, bright happy and interested in the world around her again happily popping up and down the steps, even venturing out into the paddocks again for a little stroll around! Thanks so much for making Lilly’s life comfortable in her twilight years.
Elderly Working Dog has a new lease of life 2015 Hi Everdien, Thought it would be best to get an order in for more of those wonderful potions.The old arthritic dog that I originally ordered for has gone to doggy heaven, but Matthew’s ancient heading dog has really benefitted. So much so, that though retired and not expected to even live this long, she is now frequently out on the hills giving a helping hand. She just loves her job, but had slowed down so much that it was dangerous to have her out among the stock. Now there is no stopping her. Many thanks Lynne |
Hira Seda-Pet
This concentrated blend of plant substances act as nerve tonics for the brain, muscular, digestive and skin systems. A concentrated calming blend containing some of the following: chamomile, vervain, hops, scullcap. Ideal for occasions when your pet may be stressed like a vet visit, a change of routine, travelling etc.
Dose 1-2 drops per kg Prices :
Hi there Everdien, we find the Seda pet brilliant for when we send our dogs by air freight. It keeps them calm throughout the flight. Wwe are so glad to have discovered this. Thank you for all your help. Cheers Lynne |
Hira Hormone Balancer Vitex Agnes
Acts on luteinising hormone. Suitable for hormonal difficulties in cats and dogs. May help with pets that are hyper alert. Suitable to maximise adrenal health and function. Slightly sedating and calming.
Dose 1-2 drops per kg Prices :
Please note: The 100ml and 200ml bottles are now sent with a tampertel lid as droppers leak in transit . Droppers are an extra 80c. |
Hira Yarrow
Has anti-angiogenesis properties. Flavonoids in yarrow flowers encourage circulation, lowers blood pressure and strengthens vascular walls. It’s main active ingredient being thujone make it suitable for the treatment of some minor skin conditions.
Dose 1-2 drops per kg Prices :
Please note: The 100ml and 50ml bottles are now sent with a tampertel lid as droppers leak in transit . Droppers are an extra 80c. |
Hira Hyperdula Spray |
Consists of a completely natural herbal spray consisting of herbal extracts, to include calendula and Hypericum perforatum.This spray may be used for mild skin irritations and injury. The active ingredient in St John’s Wort is Hypericinmay help restore nerve damage and calendula increases oxygen levels to the site helping with skin regeneration. Skin conditions also may be helped by administering Omega oils and an extract of Chamomile.
Note: Limited stock availableDose spray onto affected parts twice daily. Prices :
Hira Pet Vitality
The All-In One Pet Rejuvenator. This concentrated blend of adptogenic and tonic herbs encourages blood circulation, addresses blood pressure and excessive adrenaline and cortisol production. A concentrated rejuvenating blend containing some of the following: withania, serenoa, gingko and harpogophytum etc. Dose 1-2 drops per kg Prices :
Please note: The 100ml and 50ml bottles are now sent with a tampertel lid as droppers leak in transit . Droppers are an extra 80c. |
Hira Thyroid Support Plant Extract | This extract has been formulated by our chemist to help address thyroid health particularly in the case of cats
Prices :
Comments: 2014-03-26 Cat with an over active thyroid put on to Hira Thyroid Support Extract Hi ya Everdien. Could we get what ever for the cat to help with her Hyperthyroidism. I felt her wee heart thumping away the other night. Three Days later 3 days on the drops and Molly is putting on weight. Yeharrrrrr. She was so light with bones showing, but she is slightly heavier now and her tummy is round. Thank you A week later She is still really thin BUT he fur is not coming out in lumps anymore I am giving her 2 to 3 drops once a day…. She is much calmer now even tho eating lots. Her heart rate has gone down a bit too. |